The Sun Behind The Clouds
Al-’Allama al-Majl isi ’s Thoughts on the Ahadith Identifying the Twelfth Imam...
The Merits of Fasting and the Month of Ramadan
Mohammad Ali Shomali The significance of fasting in Islam can be deduced from...
What Non-Muslims Say About ‘Ali, The First Successor of Prophet Muhammad
God thus makes clear his signs to you that you may understand (Holy Qur'an...
Imam Ali (A) the Herald of Unity Part 1
Introduction In Islamic thought, “unity” has a high status in continuation of...
The little-known Muslim influence on Sir Isaac Newton’s scientific breakthrough
Sir Isaac Newton. One of the greatest physicists ever who said: “If I have...
Clearing up misconceptions about Shia Muslims
In the first part of “Bridging the Sunni-Shia Divide“, I discussed common...
6 Reasons Why All Muslims Should Come Together For Ashura
Today is an important but not very widely known occasion in the Islamic...
Why Abraham Is An Excellent Example For All Abrahamic Faiths
The Qur’an states, “You have an excellent example to follow in Abraham” (60:4)...